The How
How does Communication coaching work?
Get in touch
Contact me to make a time to have an initial chat. We will work through what is involved in the dispute resolution process, determine which process you are interested in, and then go through a rough outline of what will happen.
Then we arrange a time for an intake session.
This can be done via phone, in person, or via email and takes 5 minutes
2. Intake session
The next step is to look at how dispute resolution can help with your problem and ensure that we both understand our roles in the process - be that coaching, meditation, or training.
At this stage, it is important that we determine if we are comfortable working together before signing an agreement for services, booking a time for your next session, and moving forward.
This can be completed in person or online and takes about 1 hour.
3. Coaching Process
This is when we get together again to have a longer and more in-depth discussion that helps you to
Identify the issues that are causing the problem
Understand the key issues more deeply
Gain a greater perspective on what could be going on – for both you and for others
Develop and consider options for resolution
Make your own decisions about the preferred outcomes
Reach an agreement that should meet the needs of all involved
Improve communication and relationships in the future
You will be encouraged to negotiate based on your needs and interests, and to collaborate on a resolution so that everyone’s most essential needs can be met.
We won’t just be talking about WHAT you want, we will focus on WHY you want it and how you can achieve that outcome and also, maintain a positive relationship going forward.
This can be undertaken in person or on-line and takes about 2 hours.
4. How much will all this cost?
The fees will depend on
the process you require - coaching, mediation or training
how many sessions you feel you may need
location and if there is travel, room hire etc involved
We will discuss this before your intake session, and I will provide you with a fee structure in writing.
“Problems rarely exist at the level at which they are expressed. If you are arguing for more than ten minutes then you are probably not discussing the real conflict.”