Science of Self
I am very excited to be able to offer the TriMetrix® EQ Assessment tool to you and your team!
As a triple science assessment, TriMetrix® EQ provides us with three perspectives to understand the people we work with
it explores their behavioural style (HOW they prefer to behave and communicate),
their personal motivators/drivers (WHY they move into action),
and their emotional intelligence (DO they actively apply the principles of emotional intelligence).
By understanding all of these things about yourself, and those around you we can not only resolve conflict but prevent it before it happens.
TriMetrix® EQ: The first "multi-science" EQ assessment in the world!
TriMetrix® EQ is a powerful assessment combining three sciences, helping you to explore three key areas of performance:
HOW we behave and communicate — using the world famous DISC assessment
WHY we move into action — using the simple yet powerful Driving Forces™ assessment
DO we actively apply the principles of emotional intelligence — using the TTI EQ assessment
This powerful combination produces a 50+ page report that covers 5 sections: Behaviours, Driving Forces, Emotional Intelligence, as well as two integrated sections. The first integrated section combines Behavioural and Motivational feedback and the second combines feedback from all three areas. This layered approach provides a fantastic framework for people to understand (and become) more active in applying the principles of emotional intelligence.
As per https://www.ttisuccessinsights.com.au
What is DISC?
DISC Profile: Single-Science Profile
DISC is the worlds #1 behavioural assessment, taken by millions of people every year and is estimated to be in use by 75% of Fortune 500 companies. DISC is a very simple yet powerful four-quadrant framework used to articulate the common ways that all human beings tend to behave and communicate.
What is Driving Forces?
Driving Forces: Single-Science Profile
12 Driving Forces™ is the most advanced assessment released by TTISI to date looking at personal motivators or engagers. Driving Forces explains why people do what they do, what gets them excited, and what keeps them engaged. Whereas the earlier Motivators profile only looked at 6 core human motivators, Driving Forces now expands these out to 12 factors.
What is Emotional Quotient?
Emotional Quotient: Single-Science Profile
Emotional intelligence (EI) is considered to be one of the most desirable characteristics in a leader. One study found that individuals with high EI could be 40% to 122% more effective in positions involving influencing, managing, negotiating and/or serving others. The TTI EQ provides a simple model for people to understand and develop EI.